Renting vs. Buying
In this chapter you find an overview of the different cost classifications you can expect when buying or renting and what documents you need to prepare in order to buy a property as a non-Austrian citizen.
Renting in Austria
The total cost of rent (rent) comprises 3 components: Main rent or net rent, operating costs and VAT which together make up the gross rent. The legal term "rent" does not include the so-called apartment operating costs (electricity, gas, internet, etc.). It is usually contractually agreed that these costs are to be paid directly by the tenants to their contractual partners and energy providers. The buyer principle has been in force since July 1, 2023. The "Bestellerprinzip" or buyer principle (also known as the "Erstbestellerprinzip") means that the person who places the order with the estate agent has to pay the commission.
As a rule, this is the landlord/landlady. However, it may also be the case that the tenant is the client and must therefore pay the estate agent's commission (e.g. if the tenant commissions an estate agent to find an apartment). If the tenancy is subject to the full scope of application of the Tenancy Act (MRG), there are, for example, restrictions on the amount of rent (see chapter Tenancy Act).
Further Information
In order to obtain the permit, which is subject to different federal state-specific conditions, you must contact the office responsible for the acquisition of real estate.
Further information on the acquisition of foreign land.
Further information on the authorisation procedure for nationals of third countries.
Costs when buying a property
In addition to the purchase price of the property, there are also additional costs associated with the purchase contract, such as land transfer tax (3.5% of the purchase price) and registration fees for the new owner in the land register (1.1% of the purchase price). There are additional incidental costs for loan financing.
As the purchase agreement is usually drawn up by a lawyer or notary and the latter also submits the application for entry of the condominium ownership rightentry of the condominium ownership right () in the land register (registration), the buyer must factor in additional costs.
More details on housing costs
House price index tracks the price development of residential properties (single-family houses, semi-detached houses, terraced houses and flats) for which a private household acts as buyer.
More information on house price index and OOH PI.
Here you can find even more information about buying property in Austria.