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Residence & Employment

EU Blue Card

The EU Blue Card (“Blaue Karte EU”) targets third-country nationals with a binding job offer in a company in Austria which pays them an average salary. The EU Blue Card does not apply a point system like most Red-White-Red – Cards.

The EU Blue Card at a glance

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You have to fulfil the following prerequisites:


  1. completed a university programme lasting at least three years which matches your job offer OR
  2. have gained at least 3 years of relevant job experience within the last 7 years prior to application, comparable to an academic level, if you apply for a job in the IT industry.
  1. Your employer in Austria pays you a gross annual salary of at least € 51,500 in the year 2025. This minimum salary is legally stipulated.

    Holders of an EU Blue Card or Red-White-Red – Card valid in Austria are allowed to pursue a self-employed activity in addition to their employed activity, but only to a minor extent.

Documents for the EU Blue Card 

In any case, you will have to submit the following documents in order to receive an EU Blue Card:

  • Application form
  • Passport
  • Passport photo fulfilling EU criteria (not older than six months)
  • Qualification-related documents:
    - Updated curriculum vitae (optional)
    - Proof of successfully concluded studies (diploma, etc.) OR proof of sufficient relevant job experience in case of IT professionals
  • Employer documents:
    - Employer’s Declaration (“ArbeitgebererklärungArbeitgebererklärung ()”)
    - Job description, detailed (either as a separate document or in the Employer's Declaration)
    - Information on the skilled worker’s classification according to the applicable collective bargaining agreement (details may be included in the Employer’s Declaration; alternatively: submission of the work contract)
  • Police Clearance Certificate (“Strafregisterbescheinigung”), not older than three months
  • Fees:  160 €

Please pay attention to the number of visa-free days you are entitled to! As a rule, you have 90 days (out of 180) in which you can stay in the Schengen Area. Once you have used up this allotment of visa-free days, you will no longer be allowed to submit the application in Austria because you are no longer legally in the country.

Please note the following:

  • The validity of your EU Blue Card depends on the duration of your employment as well as on your passport's validity. If both are valid for at least 2 years, your EU Blue Card is also valid for a period of 2 years.
  • You will have to present one or more Police Clearance Certificates depending upon the country in which you live. Here you can see which Police Clearance CertificatesPolice Clearance Certificates () you will have to obtain.
  • If personal documents were not issued in German or English, they must be translated by a court-certified translator (“gerichtlich beeidete Übersetzerin/ beeideter Übersetzer”).
  • Personal documents must be specially legalised so that these documents are officially recognised. This depends upon the country in which the documents were issued. 
  • If you have to show additional personal documents or if you need a Visa D, the fee to be paid may actually be higher than € 160. 

If you have not pursued appropriate studies or do not fulfil the above-mentioned requirements as a skilled worker in the IT industry and/or will earn less than the prescribed minimum salary, the EU Blue Card is not the best way forward for you. Instead, you can find out whether the Red-White-Red – Card for Graduates, the Red-White-Red – Card for Very Highly Qualified Workers, the Red-White-Red – Card for Skilled Workers in Shortage Occupations or the Red-White-Red – Card for Other Key Workers more closely matches your situation.


Immigration Guide Austria

The online platform offers tailor-made answers to all your questions about living and working, residence, family reunification and employment of foreigners in Austria.

Visit nowVisit now ()

Legal Foundations:

  • EU Blue Card: Sect. 42 NAG; Sect. 12c AuslBG
  • Special provisions regarding change of employer: Sect. 50a NAG; Sect. 20d AuslBG
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