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WORK in AUSTRIA services

According to the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, there is currently a shortage of 272,000 skilled workers across Austria. The EY Mittelstandsbarometer 2023 concludes that 87% of Austrian companies suffer from a shortage of skilled workers, which represents the greatest risk for the companies surveyed. It is considered to be an even greater problem than high energy and commodity prices and inflation. 

  • Talenthub icon

    Does your company have vacant positions it would like to fill? Advertise your job offers in Austria on the WORK in AUSTRIA Talent Hub – at no cost and in German and in English. Register now and find suitable applicants for your advertised jobs quickly and easily.

    Go to the Talent Hub


  • Events icon

    WORK in AUSTRIA promotes Austria internationally as a place to work. For this purpose, WORK in AUSTRIA is represented at many international events, both on site and also virtually. We also advise companies on selecting suitable international events they can attend in order to present themselves to potential applicants from abroad. In addition, WORK in AUSTRIA organises roadshows in Austria, including visits to firms by promising skilled workers and initiates networking with outstanding foreign universities, universities of applied sciences and communities.

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  • Tax law icon

    We support you and your candidates throughout the entire process. You can find extensive information on our broad-based information platform on the right of residence and access to the labour market. Our ABA Immigration and Residence Services consults companies and applicants in all phases of the procedure for obtaining residence permits, especially the Red-White-Red – Cards. With our advice and support we gladly assume the role of being a “mediator” with public authorities when it comes to specific procedures.

    The Immigration Guide provides a quick overview about the situation for getting residence permits for your potential employees.

    Go to the Immigration Guide


  • Truck icon

    Relocating to another country is a significant step. In order to make this phase easier for you, we offer you a clearly structured and comprehensive collection of information and consulting about changing your country of residence to Austria. We are first point of contact for questions relating to the issues of labour law, tax law, healthcare system, educational facilities, childcare services and insurance.

    The ”Personal Guide“ is a comprehensive reference work for expats designed to facilitate their getting started in Austria.

    Go to the Personal Guide


  • The seal of approval for the advancement of women within the company is a valuable employer branding tool and identifies companies that are particularly committed to promoting women's careers. Work in Austria provides support before, during and after submission for the seal of approval with best practice examples and advice on specific measures. Work in Austria also uses the seal of approval to promote companies that are actively committed to gender equality in the workplace. You can find out how to apply for the seal of approval on the equalitA website.

    Go to the equalitA websiteGo to the equalitA website ()



ABA logo shot
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Immiguide Mockup

Guide Austria

The online platform Immigration Guide Austria provides answers to important questions about working in Austria, staying in Austria, living in Austria, family reunification, employment of foreigners and more.

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Business meeting
© Caiaimage / Sam Edwards / Westend61


Austria offers many opportunities on the job market. As an international talent, you can find attractive job offers, especially in the fields of ICT, metal technology, electrical engineering and life sciences. As an employer, you can advertise your vacancies in Austria free of charge and find potential applicants.

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Meeting discussions
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Recruit abroad

Motivated and well-trained employees are crucial for the success of Austrian companies. Targeted recruitment and qualifying measures in Austria are not always successful. Nevertheless, in order to acquire the required know-how for the company, employers also look for well-trained talents abroad.  

In this way, companies can recruit skilled workers with sought-after skills that are simply not available on the Austrian labour market at the present time.

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We simply make it easy

WORK in AUSTRIA is the point of contact for specialists who would like to work in Austria as well as for companies looking for suitable specialists. We advise you free of charge.

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