Our Services
WORK in AUSTRIA brings international skilled workers and Austrian employers together. The experts of WORK in AUSTRIA support companies in Austria in the outreach to and hiring of employees from abroad. Moreover, international skilled workers and their families benefit from the advisory services on issues relating to the right of residence as well as extensive expertise on the topics of living and working in Austria.
Clever minds and motivated talents are essential for the success of Austrian companies. The availability of skilled workers significantly impacts the competitiveness of Austria as a business location. It is the task of WORK in AUSTRIA to link up companies in Austria with international skilled workers and to ensure that they have the know-how they need. WORK in AUSTRIA acts as a department of Austrian Business Agency on behalf of the Austrian Federal Government.
The responsibilities of WORK in AUSTRIA include
- making Austria attractive as a working location for skilled workers from abroad,
- supporting Austrian companies in searching for and hiring international skilled workers,
- consulting companies, skilled workers and their families on issues relating to their right of residence as well as living and working in Austria
In searching for international talents to work for Austrian companies, WORK in AUSTRIA focuses on several EU markets as well as selected third countries. The focus is on sectors with a high impact on the entire economy such as IT, electrical engineering, electronics, mechatronics and life sciences.
The service provided by WORK in AUSTRIA are available to Austrian companies free of charge as a service of the Republic of Austria.
We simply make it easy
WORK in AUSTRIA is the point of contact for specialists who would like to work in Austria as well as for companies looking for suitable specialists. We advise you free of charge.