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Living in Austria

City transit

Austria’s cities and towns have public transit networks comprised of buses, trams, and trains. Vienna, the capital, has a vast and efficient public transport network, making it such a livable city. The Wiener Linien (Vienna Lines) runs a network of buses, trams (known fondly by the Viennese as “bims” for the sound of the bell) and subways, serving more than 2 million passengers daily. With more than 171 kilometers of track, Vienna has the sixth-largest tram network worldwide.

Vienna’s public transportation

Vienna is home to Austria’s only underground system, the U-Bahn. bConstruction works on the underground network began in the 1970s, initially with three lines, U1, U2 and U4. In the meantime, those routes have been extended and two others, U6 and U3, have been added. The opening of the U5 line between Karlsplatz and Frankhplatz is planned for 2026.

Holders of annual passes for the Wiener Linien have almost doubled since 2012, when the price was fixed at €365 for the city’s entire network of trains, trams and buses. There are more Viennese owning a Jahreskarte (annual card) than a car. For kids, students and retired people there are special discounts on public transport.

You can find more information about bus transport and airports in Austria in the topic area Get to know Austria.

Examples of public transportation costs

A one-way ticket costs around €2-2.60, depending on which city you are in. Larger cities offer annual, monthly, weekly and daily tickets as well as offers for tourists.


Annual Pass



Low Income



Semester ticket: €75

From 65: €235




Grade school pass: €82





Annual: €211

From 65: €129-281




Semester ticket: €190.90

Grade school pass: €99.80

From 65: €286.50

From 75: €143.30



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