Unemployment Insurance
The contribution to unemployment insurance is 5.9% of the contribution base, i.e. the gross monthly earnings, regardless of the type of employment. The contributions are paid both for current remuneration and for special payments (employer's share: 2.95%, employee's share: 2.95%).
Unemployment insurance benefits include:
- Unemployment benefit
- Emergency unemployment assistance if the entitlement to unemployment benefit or transitional allowance is exhausted and there is an emergency situation
- Advance payment of benefits from pension insurance
- Further education allowance, part-time education allowance, part-time retirement allowance, taking into account a certain amount of compensation
- transitional allowance
- retraining allowance
In order to receive unemployment benefit, certain requirements must be met, such as availability for job placement or the ability and willingness to work. Moreover, at least 52 weeks of employment subject to unemployment insurance must be proven within the last two years. In certain cases, such as for people under the age of 25, shorter deadlines apply. Unemployment benefits cannot be received, for example, by people who are abroad or who are receiving sickness benefits, training allowance or part-time education allowance. The amount of unemployment benefits depends on income.
Unemployment Insurance
If you lose your job, the Public Employment Service (AMS) will take over your social insurance until you find new employment. The long-term unemployed and those in need also receive an e-card (social insurance card) and full access to free healthcare.
Further details on Austrian Employment Service.
Chamber of Labor - Unemployment insurance.
Unemployment insurance for self-employed.