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Continuing education

Lifelong learning - the idea that people of all ages should have access to education and further training - is one of the central pillars of modern Austrian education policy. They can benefit from a wide range of courses, training and programs, some at very low fees. Second-chance education makes it possible to catch up on educational qualifications, for example in the form of preparatory courses for the university entrance examination, while adult education provides all other forms of personal and professional further education for adults. However, the language of instruction is typically German.


Whether you want to train for a specific profession, improve your career prospects or simply expand your knowledge, Austria offers numerous opportunities for adult education and lifelong learning.

The Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS), the public employment service in Austria, for example, offers qualification and training opportunities as well as financial support. Jobseekers, career starters and school leavers can apply for appropriate training. The AMS also operates career information centers (BIZ) where you can get advice on various professions and employment opportunities.

If you want to catch up on vocational training - be it certification of knowledge in a specific computer program or further training in a technical field - you will find a suitable course at institutions such as the Berufsförderungsinstitut (BFI) or the Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut (WIFI). Many higher education institutions also offer so-called university courses or further education courses to deepen or acquire additional qualifications in a specific subject area. A prerequisite for enrolment is often a relevant degree or comparable professional experience. Finally, you can expand or acquire a new qualification at any adult education center (VHS). Whether it's a new language, an art course or a personal development course, you should find a course that interests you. 


Various types of financial support are available for people who wish to continue their studies or education. For example, you can apply for an education account worth €300- 3,000 from the Vienna Employee Support Fund (WAFF). Your main residence must be registered in Vienna.

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