Talent Hub for Austrian Employers
Use the WORK in AUSTRIA Talent Hub, create your company profile and match with international professionals from all over the world, international students at Austrian universities and Austrians abroad looking for job opportunities in Austria. Register now and find suitable applicants for your advertised jobs quickly and easily.
Register now

Find hundreds of potential applicants
Receive interesting applications from international specialists and contact them directly.

Receive interesting applications from international specialists
Get in touch with international specialists and contact them directly.

Get support with all your questions about Red-White-Red Card & Co.
Even after you have successfully found an applicant, you are not on your own. We help you and your employees when it comes to residence permits and living and working in Austria. We offer you free support from one single source.
About the WORK in AUSTRIA Talent Hub
To this end, skilled workers can create applicant profiles free of charge, and Austrian companies can easily publish their vacancies. If the qualifications match the job requirements, companies can get in touch with the applicants.
We simply make it easy
WORK in AUSTRIA is the point of contact for specialists who would like to work in Austria as well as for companies looking for suitable specialists. We advise you free of charge.