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Average salaries in Austria - this is what you can expect in Austria
21. November 2022As we all know, money isn't everything. But when it comes to deciding for or against a new job, it is a significant criterion. And not without reason! After all, your salary determines your options and lifestyle. It's good to find out what salary expectations are realistic for you as a specialist in Austria before you apply - even if the minimum salary has to be stated in every job posting.
This is the average salary in Austria
Employees in Austria earned an average of EUR 31,407 (median) gross per year in 2021. With 14 salaries, this corresponds to an average monthly salary of around EUR 2,240 (median). However, part-time employees and non-full-year employees are also taken into account here. According to Statistics Austria, full-time, year-round employees earn significantly more. Here, the median gross annual income is around 45,595 euros.
However, not only the working hours, but also the location of the employer has an impact on the average salary. Full-time employees can expect the highest salary level in Vorarlberg and the lowest in Burgenland. Vienna is in the good midfield. However, specialists and managers earn the most on average in the federal capital.
Average annual income - Austria in EU comparison
The average salary in Austria is impressive in an international comparison. In the EU, Austria's full-time employees are in the top third in terms of pay, closely followed by neighboring Germany. According to the OECD, only in Denmark and the three Benelux countries do employees receive a higher average annual salary.
Austrian sectors and occupational groups with the highest salaries
The average salary is a good guide to working in Austria. But for skilled workers and managers, looking at the salary levels in individual industries is much more informative. As a salary report in 2022 found, differences of up to 25,000 euros gross per year are possible. The evaluation took into account the statements of around 12,000 professionals and managers throughout Austria.
By the way: You can find concrete information on the possible gross starting salary in the AMS salary compass. After all, a good 1,800 different professions are listed here.
The highest salaries in Austria
A high income can be expected in the management consulting, auditing and electrical engineering industries. If you want to earn an even higher salary, you are in good hands in the chemical and petroleum processing industries. Here, specialists and managers earn more than 60,000 euros gross per year on average. But you can also expect a similarly high average salary in Austria in the IT sector, in banking or at companies in the energy and water supply industries.
Regardless of the industry, the best-paid professional titles in Austria are project managers - with an average annual salary of almost 62,000 euros. Speaking of titles, an academic degree lets you earn significantly more as a professional in Austria. Employees with an academic degree earn up to 20,000 euros more per year. However, the number of years in the profession is particularly important. In addition, the size of the company plays a role. Companies with more than 1,000 employees in Austria can generally expect a higher salary than small businesses.
Taxes and tax classes in Austria
For you as a professional, the big question when it comes to salary in Austria is probably what will be paid into your account after all taxes. However, calculating the net salary is not a simple matter. One of the major items makes up the payment of tax in Austria.
In this country, income from employment is subject to payroll tax. However, you yourself do not have to do anything else for the payment. Your employer pays your tax directly to the tax office on a monthly basis. The amount of tax you have to pay depends on the sum of your annual income. For this purpose, the so-called tax classes are used, which are derived from the Austrian income tax table.
How much money is left over after taxes and contributions?
Are you curious about the net salary you will receive at the end of the month? Then use the gross-net calculator. Here you can also find out the salary-dependent amounts to be paid for social insurance, take into account non-cash benefits such as a company car or company apartment, or the commuter allowance.
Special bonus payments in Austria: the 13th and 14th salary
If you take a look at the annual development of salaries, you can hope for regular increases when working in Austria. This is because the salary level in this country has been rising continuously for years. This is due, for example, to negotiations between Austrian trade unions and employers. The so-called collective agreements of various industries regulate the employment conditions of many employees in Austria.
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