General Terms and Conditions (“GTC”)
1. Preamble
- 1.1. Austrian Business Agency GmbH (hereafter “ABA”) is a non-profit company under the auspices of the Republic of Austria whose objective is to promote Austria as a business, work and film location.
- 1.2. ABA’s tasks include supporting companies with a main office and/or business establishment in Austria in their efforts to recruit international skilled workers.
- 1.3. For this purpose, ABA operates an Internet platform along with the relevant features which is entitled the “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB” (hereafter also referred to as the “online platform”). Its mutual use, always done independently and at the discretion of all parties involved i.e., companies searching for employees and international skilled workers interested in such a platform, is designed to bring them together. The use of the online platform including the integrated services are offered by ABA exclusively in accordance with the following Terms and Conditions (terms of service), with the understanding that ABA does not serve as a placement office or job brokerage in any form whatsoever.
- 1.4. ABA attaches great importance to the equal treatment of women and men in the working world. Inasmuch as only the masculine form is subsequently used when referring to people, these references apply to women and men equally.
- 1.5. On this basis, the following Terms and Conditions apply to the use of the online platform (point 1.3):
2. Definitions, Abbreviations
2.1. “Companies” are self-employed natural or legal persons under private law as well as legal entities operating a company under public law, all with a main office and/or permanent establishment in Austria. This designation encompasses personnel service providers (e.g., recruitment agencies) contracted by a company to search for suitable employees.
2.2. The “administrator” is the natural person who specifically takes action (e.g., registration, creation of a user profile) on behalf of a company operated in the legal form of a legal person or who generally represents a company. Several administrators can also work for a company as described above, in which case each one is given his own passwords.
2.3. An “international skilled worker” is each person who has concluded professional education or training (“professional competence”) or who has concluded his higher education studies (or will complete them in the foreseeable future) and who is not an Austrian national. This term also encompasses Austrians living abroad with the relevant vocational training along with students who do not possess Austrian citizenship as long as they are enrolled at an Austrian university.
2.4. The term “job seeker” refers to an international skilled worker looking for employment in Austria as a salaried employee.
2.5. The “user”, regardless of whether this refers to a company or a job seeker (points 2.1 to 2.4), refers to the natural or legal person registered on the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB” for the purpose of subsequently using the online platform including the integrated services. In contrast, the “visitor” refers to the person who stops to use the online platform on the Internet without registering for it.
2.6. The “user”, regardless of whether this refers to a company or a job seeker (points 2.1 to 2.4), refers to the natural or legal person registered on the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB” for the purpose of subsequently using the online platform including the integrated services. In contrast, the “visitor” refers to the person who stops to use the online platform on the Internet without registering for it.
2.7. “GDPR” stands for the General Data Protection Regulation – Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
3. Validity, Revisions to These Terms and Conditions
3.1. The availability of the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB” as well as its use take place exclusively on the basis of and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
3.2. By using the online platform, the user (point 2.5) is subject to these Terms and Conditions. The same also applies to visitors (point 2.5) who stop to use the online platform when they are on the Internet.
3.3. Any revisions to these Terms and Conditions, which ABA is authorised to make at any time, will be announced on the online platform one month before they generally take effect online and apply to registered users through their continuing use of the online platform starting with the date on which the revised Terms and Conditions formally come into effect. In the case of any objections filed by the user against the revisions, ABA is authorised to close his account and to delete the profile of the user as well as the data and files uploaded by him.
4. Privacy Notice
4.1. ABA provides very general information relating to the protection of personal data within the context of its Privacy Statement.
4.2. This Privacy Statement which can be downloaded online under (), pertains to the collection, storage, use or dissemination of personal data, both for users as well as for visitors.
5. Registration, Functionalities of the Online Platform, Consent
5.1. Companies and job seekers fulfilling each of the criteria listed in points 2.1 to 2.4 of these Terms and Conditions can register for the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB” operated by ABA free of charge. The online platform is generally not designed for other persons i.e., for persons who do not fulfil the criteria. ABA is entitled to delete the accounts set up by them at any time.
5.2. Every administrator who acts on behalf of a legal person (point 2.2) within the context of using this platform, and in general, any person who works for a company or who undertakes actions on its behalf or in representing them, is solely responsible for being sufficiently authorized to act on the company’s behalf or for having sufficient power of representation and to adhere to any limits to their competence. If, in this context, a company sues ABA by justifying this step on the basis of an (alleged) transgression of competence on the part of an administrator or representative, the company must indemnify and hold ABA harmless.
5.3. In connection with the registration or use of the online platform, ABA is authorised at any time to demand proof of identity, and in the case of companies, excerpts from the Commercial Register, Trade Register and the like. In the case of job seekers, ABA is authorised to demand an identity card, passport or birth certificate etc. If requested by ABA, users must also show sufficient proof that they belong to the target group (point 5.1).
5.4. With respect to job seekers, the minimum age for registration is 15 years of age.
5.5. No right to registration exists.
5.6. Within the context of the registration process, the user or administrator selects a password enabling him to have access to the respective user profile at any time. The user/administrator can change the password in the profile setting at any time.
5.7. Companies as well as job seekers registering to use the online platform are users (point 2.5) who have unrestricted access to the functionalities of the online platform in accordance with their own needs and wishes. In contrast, visitors (point 2.5) who do not want to register can only take advantage of a limited range of uses. Only selected functionalities of the online platform are made available to them without their being granted access to extensive databases.
5.8. The users agree and declare their consent that ABA has access to all personal data and other information which the user uploads voluntarily to the online platform entirely in his own self-interest, and that ABA is entitled to use and store this data and information.
5.9. The advertising of job vacancies on the online platform also entails approval of ABA being allowed to use individual job vacancies in order to promote the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB” on all the communication channels at its disposal. The selection of these job vacancies is exclusively the prerogative of ABA in accordance with its respective communications objectives.
6. Creation of user profiles
6.1. The creation of a user profile on the online platform is an active measure undertaken by the user (company, administrator or job seeker).
6.2. It is solely up to the user (company or job seeker) to decide which data and other information about the user are to be uploaded to the online platform for the purposes and functionalities stipulated on it, and, if need be, which relevant files and documents are also to be uploaded. Moreover, it is the user’s responsibility to manage his profile. In the case of profiles managed by the administrator on behalf of companies operated in the legal form of a legal person, the administrator is, in the same way as a user, liable for the correct and lawful use of the online platform.
6.3. It is forbidden to upload false, misleading or otherwise unlawful information. If such data is uploaded, ABA reserves the right to delete this data without further ado.
6.4. The profile of job seekers is not permitted to contain any sensitive data. This means the person’s profile is not allowed to include personal data particularly with the following contents:
Data from which one can derive conclusions about a person’s racial or ethnic origins, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs;
Trade union membership;
Genetic data or biometric data exclusively processed to enable the clear identification of a natural person;
Health data;
Data on a person’s sex life or sexual orientation.
However, if job seekers do in fact upload sensitive data as described above, they alone are responsible for any adverse consequences. -
6.5. Every user is responsible for the contents of his profile and must ensure that nobody and no unauthorised person gains access to his profile. For this person, the user and every administrator must keep the access password confidential.
6.6. The user profile can be deleted at any time. It is also ABA’s right to delete, without any restrictions and without further ado, any profile which is not used at all for longer than six months.
7. Online Platform Functions for Registered Companies
7.1. Advertising of Job Vacancies
7.1.1. Registered companies or appropriately competent administrators can announce job vacancies on the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA Talent Hub” which can then be viewed by all registered job seekers.
7.1.2. In any case, with regards to designing and advertising job vacancies, the companies posting these job offers must comply with the following rules:
- Only one single job vacancy is to be announced for each advertised job opening. It is not permitted to summarise several job vacancies in only one advertisement.
- The advertised job openings must always be designed in a manner which is in accordance with all legal requirements, for example the Federal Equal Treatment Act.
- Furthermore, job advertisements must not contain any misleading, discriminating, offensive, racist or sexist contents.
7.1.3. Job advertisements which do not fulfil the minimum requirements contained in point 7.1.2 can be deleted at any time by the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB” at its own discretion and without any further correspondence if it’s considered by ABA to be dubious or unethical, excluding any legal consequences whatsoever which could potentially be inferred.
7.1.4. Furthermore, any company publishing dishonest or unethical job advertisements, must indemnify and hold ABA harmless in case such job offers result in lawsuits from third parties.
7.2. Job searches in the applicant database
7.2.1. In particular, registered users can also independently search for suitable (potential) future employees on the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB.” For this purpose, companies or administrators can search the applicant database generated by the platform free of charge. This is done by defining search criteria with the help of various filter and search options for job seekers who are still considered to be potential candidates for the vacant positions.
7.2.2. The search results are presented to show all the profiles of all suitable job seekers who have released their data to be included in the applicant database. Companies can look at the information provided by job seekers pertaining to their training and education, competencies and professional experience and also directly contact the job seeker if they are interested.
7.2.3. Companies and the administrators acting on their behalf who have access to the data provided by job seekers are required to only use all information, including contact data, for the purpose for which the data has been provided i.e., the (possible) recruitment of job seekers for vacant positions in the company. Every use of the data for other purposes, for example advertising/marketing purposes, the publication or transmission of data to third parties, regardless of whether this is in exchange for payment or not, and the use of data by third parties, are prohibited without exception. Only declared personnel service providers (point 2,1) who search for suitable (potential) future employees on behalf of specified companies are exempted from the stipulated prohibition of further transmitting the data.
8. Agreement Pursuant to Art. 28 GDPR about Data Processing
(Companies, Personnel Service Providers)
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Companies are only permitted to use the data provided by job seekers for the stipulated purposes and are not permitted to misuse the data or to transmit the data to third parties. With respect to data transfer, point 7.2.3 applies to personnel service providers.
8.1.2. They are obliged to adhere to all requirements and legal stipulations pertaining to data protection and personality rights and must indemnify and keep ABA harmless if job seekers or third parties, for example competing companies, public authorities and the like, sue ABA for legal infringements on the part of the companies.
8.1.3. By registering, companies automatically gain access to the applicant database and, in this regard, are responsible for the data the applicants can view in line with the stipulations contained in the GDPR. ABA also acts as a processor for advertised job vacancies whereas the respective companies are the responsible parties.
- On this basis, companies and ABA conclude the following agreement on data processing (pursuant to Art. 28 GDPR).
8.2. Subject and Duration of the Agreement
- 8.2.1. The subject of the agreement is the use of the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB” for publishing company profiles (point 6) as well as job vacancies (point 7.1) and for the use of the applicant database.
- 8.2.2. This agreement complements the Terms and Conditions of ABA for using the online platform. Within the context of using the online platform, every registered company has access to and insights into personal data provided by job seekers, and furthermore uploaded documents and other information as well.
- 8.2.3. The agreement, the subject of which involves making the online platform available, including all existing functionalities, is concluded for the duration of use.
8.3. Data Categories, Parties Concerned, Purpose of Processing
- 8.3.1. The following data categories are used for processing i.e., personal data of job seekers (general information, curriculum vitae), contact data, educational, training and employment data, photos and video materials, documents containing these data categories.
- 8.3.2. The respective company (contracting party) processes data provided by job seekers on the one hand, and on the other hand, if applicable, data provided by ABA employees. ABA (as the contractor) processes personal data provided by job seekers and, if applicable, also data provided by company employees.
- 8.3.3. The purpose of processing the data is oriented to the Terms and Conditions for using the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB”. The respective company processes the data only for recruiting purposes i.e., hiring new employees.
8.4. Obligations of ABA
- 8.4.1. ABA commits itself to processing data and/or processing results solely within the context of the non-exclusive tasks commissioned by the company. The contracting parties affirm that the typical purposes generally associated with an applicant database must continue to be ensured in any case and that no company alone has exclusive rights to the data. If ABA receives a request by public authorities to release data which has been entrusted to its care, ABA is required to inform the company, inasmuch as this is legally permissible, and to refer the public authorities to this company.
- 8.4.2. ABA declares in a legally binding manner that:
- it has obliged, in writing and before their commencing work, all persons assigned the task of data processing to maintain confidentiality or that these persons have been subject to a suitable and legally binding obligation of confidentiality before beginning their work,
- and furthermore, it has taken all required measures to ensure the security of processing pursuant to Art. 32 GDPR.
- 8.4.3. ABA takes technical and organisational measures to enable the company to fulfil the rights of the data subject in accordance with chapter III GDPR (information and access, rectification and erasure, data portability, right to object, automated individual decision making) within the legally stipulated deadlines and, for this purpose, entrusts all the necessary information to the company. If the data subject submits a relevant request to ABA and this request reveals that the applicant mistakenly holds ABA responsible for the data processing in question, ABA must immediately forward the request to the company and inform the applicant of this.
- 8.4.4. Furthermore, ABA supports the company in adhering to the obligations stipulated in Art. 32-36 GDPR (e.g., data security measures, reporting violations of the protection of personal data of the data subjects to the relevant supervisory authority).
- 8.4.5. With respect to the processing of data provided by the company, the company has the right to exert control over this data at any time. In this regard, ABA commits itself to making the information available to the company which is necessary for the company to monitor its compliance with all the obligations stipulated in point 8. Moreover, ABA will inform the company if it has the opinion that instructions of the company violate EU data protection regulations or those of its member states.
8.5. Location Where Data Processing is Carried Out
- On the part of ABA, all data processing activities are only carried out within the EU or EEA.
8.6. Permissibility of Order Processing
- 8.6.1. The respective company (contracting party) alone is responsible for evaluating the permissibility of order processing.
- 8.6.2. The company (contracting party) indemnifies and holds ABA (contractor) harmless with respect to its sphere of responsibility vis a vis third parties.
8.7. Other Provisions
- 8.7.1. No additional verbal agreements have been made. All changes to this agreement must be made in writing.
- 8.7.2. Austrian substantive law applies. The competent court of jurisdiction is Vienna.
9. Online Platform Functions for Registered Job Seekers
9.1. Job Search, Storage
- 9.1.1. The creation of a profile on the online platform and the uploading of information (e.g., curriculum vitae, education, competencies, professional experience) and documents are for the purpose of supporting the job search in the sole interest of the international skilled worker (point 2.3).
- 9.1.2. The job seeker alone makes the decision as to which data is to be entered into his curriculum vitae.
- 9.1.3. If documents such as certificates, diplomas, confirmations of employment and the like as well as photos or videos are uploaded, they are stored within the context of the online platform until the files, or the entire profile, are deleted by the job seeker himself.
9.2. Applicant Database, Applications
- 9.2.1. Job seekers have the possibility to be accepted for listing in the applicant database and to have their profile including all data, information and documents released for viewing by all companies which are also registered on the online platform. By approving the corresponding publication of data, the user enables companies to view all the information which the job seeker has entered in his profile.
- 9.2.2. If the job seeker releases his profile for the applicant database, he also agrees to the respective company establishing contact with him.
- 9.2.3. In the case of active job applications on the part of the job seeker, the data uploaded by him including all information will be forwarded to the companies he has chosen. By sending an application, the job seeker agrees that the company is permitted to view all the data in the job seeker’s profile and to contact the applicant.
- 9.2.4. Applications are available to companies for the duration of the legally stipulated time limits pertaining to the storage of application documents. The reason for storing the data is no longer valid once the company accepts or rejects the application. The documents may then be retained for a period of six months. Afterwards the data on the company side will be deleted.
- 9.2.5. ABA is not liable for any misuse of the data outside the online platform. If a job seeker deletes his profile, ABA is also not liable if he is, nevertheless, subsequently contacted by a company.
10 Consent Pursuant to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. A GDPR
(Job seeker)
10.1. Introduction
- 10.1.1.ABA attaches considerable importance to the protection of personal data. In this regard, it adheres to applicable legal regulations on the protection, legitimate use and confidentiality of personal data as well as data security, in particular the Austrian Data Protection Act (DSG), the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Austrian Telecommunications Act (TKG).
- 10.1.2. ABA processes the data, documents and files uploaded by the job seeker only in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of use and the explicit consent granted for this purpose. Inasmuch as the uploaded data, documents etc. relate to family members of the skilled worker (point 2.3), the skilled worker declares that the affected family member has also given his consent that ABA is permitted to process the data within the context of the online platform on behalf of the skilled worker.
10.2. Voluntariness
10.2.1. The job seeker is notified of the fact that the collection, storage, processing, use and forwarding of data, documents, files etc. takes place on a voluntary basis.
10.2.2. If consent for this is not granted by the job seeker, the job seeker will not incur any disadvantages. However, in this case he will not be allowed to participate in the online platform or to use it.
10.3. Revocation
- The job seeker has the right to revoke his consent at any time.
- On the basis of the revocation, the lawfulness of the data processing up until the time of the revocation is not affected.
10.4. Data Subject Rights
- 10.4.1. Furthermore, the job seeker is informed that he is entitled to the following rights pursuant to the provisions contained in Art. 12 ff. of the General Data Protection Regulation, namely:
- The right of access to information pursuant to Art. 15 GDPR (if personal data is processed, the data subject has the right to obtain information about the data stored about him),
- The right to rectification pursuant to Art. 16 GDPR (if inaccurate personal data is processed, the data subject has the right to rectification of this data),
- The right to erasure pursuant to Art. 17 GDPR (if the legal prerequisites exist, the data subject has the right to demand the erasure of personal data concerning him),
- The right to the restriction of processing pursuant to Art. 18 GDPR,
- The right to file an objection against the data processing, pursuant to Art. 21 GDPR,
- and, if applicable, the right to data portability pursuant to Art. 20 GDPR (the data subject is entitled to exert this right if he has agreed to the data processing or a contract for data processing exists and data processing is carried out by automated means).
- 10.4.2. If the data subject has the opinion that the processing of his data violates data protection regulations or otherwise infringes upon his data protection rights, he also has the right to file a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority or a supervisory authority within the EU. The Austrian Data Protection Authority can be reached at the following address:
Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde
(Austrian Data Protection Authority)
Barichgasse 40-42
1030 Vienna, Austria
Telephone number: +43 1 52152-0, E-mail:
11 Non-remuneration, No Legal Entitlement
- ABA enables the use of the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB” at no cost to the user.
- A legal entitlement to use the online platform does not exist.
12 Consent to the Sending of Electronic Mail
- 12.1. The user explicitly agrees to be contacted by ABA via e-mail or social media with respect to the use of the online platform.
- 12.2. Furthermore, he also agrees to be contacted by ABA for marketing purposes and advertising via e-mail or social media. The user is entitled to revoke the latter consent at any time and without having to state any reasons. This can be done either per e-mail or by providing written information or, if the user happens to receive the newsletter, by using the respective unsubscribe link.
13. Prohibition of Misuse
- 13.1. All users are prohibited from improperly using and misusing the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB” made available by ABA. In particular, the following are considered to be examples of misuse:
- Any use of the online platform for purposes other than those permitted in these Terms and Conditions;
- Any other serious infringements of these Terms and Conditions;
- Every violation against valid laws and legal regulations of any kind, for example, worker protection legislation, the Federal Act Against Unfair Competition (UWG), the Telecommunications Act (TKG) 2021 etc.;
- The unauthorised infringement of the rights of third parties, especially those of other users;
- The unauthorised forwarding of user data to third parties;
- Every spying, hacking of system functions or data which is not intended for downloading by users, in particular, every attempt to derive the technology or source code of the online platform which does not involve open source software;
- Every form of use which impedes or unreasonably burdens the operation of the online platform;
- The use of automated methods to gain access to the data, add or download contacts and to send or redirect messages;
- Every form of use which represents misuse or abuse in accordance with a generally accepted opinion.
- 13.2. ABA holds users liable for all damage which users cause to the online platform made available by ABA due to their misuse or any other kind of unlawful use.
14. Responsibilities of the User
- 14.1. Every user is solely responsible himself for the contents of the data, files and other information published by him on the online platform.
- 14.2. If claims are filed against ABA or ABA is sued by other users of the online platform, third parties or pubic authorities due to inaccurate or even unlawful information uploaded by a user or the misuse or otherwise unlawful use of the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB”, the user must indemnify and hold ABA harmless i.e., to compensate ABA for all damages and any disadvantages incurred.
15. Deletion of Data, Locking Out Users
- 15.1. ABA is entitled at any time to remove data from the online platform which was uploaded by users or to temporarily or permanently block the profiles and access of users. This particularly applies to the following cases i.e., providing false information when registering or in the case of the misuse of the online platform (point 13):
- If there is an important reason, taking account of all relevant factors in the case and under due consideration of the interests of both parties, which makes the continuing use of the online platform unacceptable by the user responsible for the previously mentioned reason;
- If, within the context of using the online platform, the user shows disruptive or disturbing behaviour, endangers safety or operations of the online platform or shows behaviour which is harmful or disadvantageous for third parties;
- In the case of a partial or complete end to operating the online platform.
- The user must compensate ABA for all the costs incurred if he is deemed responsible for being locked out and must indemnify and hold ABA harmless in the case of any violations against these Terms and Conditions.
16. Exclusion of Warranty and Liability
- 16.1. The gratuitous use of the online platform granted to users involves users uploading data and files in line with the designated purposes of the online platform (hereafter “documents”) for them to be viewed and used appropriately.
- 16.2. ABA is not required to check uploaded documents with respect to their content accuracy, timeliness, correctness or completeness. ABA is not liable for any incorrect or unlawful contents of the documents. In fact, the use of the documents is entirely at the user’s own risk.
- 16.3. ABA expressly disassociates itself from data, information and files uploaded by the user and which violate legal regulations and/or contractual restrictions, violate prohibitions or which are contrary to common decency. ABA is entitled to immediately delete such data at any time without the need for any further correspondence on the matter.
- 16.4. ABA does not render any brokerage or mediation services.
- 16.5. Due to ABA’s enabling use of the online platform at no charge, any warranty and liability on ABA’s part are excluded, provided that this is legally permissible.
- 16.6. The following applies in case ABA is absolutely required, and only in exceptional cases, to assume liability pursuant to valid legal regulations: ABA is only liable for cases of wilful intent, and, if this can be proven by the user, for cases of gross negligence. Under no circumstances does ABA accept liability for cases of minor negligence. Moreover, ABA is not liable for purely economic losses, indirect damages, consequential damage, lost profits, missed savings and immaterial damage, and furthermore, is not liable for damages arising from third-party claims and the like. Claims for damages expire if the user fails to take court action within six months starting at the point in time in which he becomes aware of the damage and the identity of the person causing the damage or acquires knowledge of the incident causing the claim, but no later than the expiration of a period of three years starting with the conduct (infringement) causing the damage.
17. Right to Inspection, Data Use, Statistics
- 17.1. Fort the purposes of operating the online platform, for technical and content optimisation or further development e.g., for the development and implementation of updates and upgrades, ABA is entitled to view all the data and information uploaded to the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB”, including personal data and information, and to use it for the aforementioned purposes without restriction.
- 17.2. The users acknowledge and approve the fact that ABA is allowed to statistically evaluate all uploaded data, information and files and is allowed to use the assessment in anonymised form for reporting purposes and the like.
18. Availability, Settings of the Online Platform
- 18.1. Use of the online platform takes place on the Internet, whose availability ABA cannot exert any influence on. In general, ABA does not grant any guarantee or warranty for specified availability.
- 18.2. ABA reserves the right to change, complement or reduce the external appearance and/or the underlying technology or functionalities of the online platform “WORK IN AUSTRIA TALENT HUB” at any time, to partially or completely terminate this service or, in this regard, to delete uploaded data, information and files of users without their inferring any legal claims or consequences. This is especially the case because ABA is under no obligation to store or continue to show uploaded data and information. ABA does not offer any storage services.
- In addition, we refer to the code of conduct for the use of the WORK in AUSTRIA TALENT HUB under the following link: ();
19. Applicable Law, Court of Jurisdiction
- Austrian substantive law applies. The competent court of jurisdiction is Vienna.