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© Westend61 / Zeljko Dangubic
Residence & Employment

Regional shortage occupations Burgenland

In addition to the Austria-wide shortage occupations, there are also officially identified shortages of skilled personnel in the occupations in Burgenland. Again, people who have vocational training and a job offer in these occupations can immigrate to Austria more quickly than other skilled personnel.

For the year 2025, the following occupations are considered regional shortage occupations in Burgenland:

Insurance agents /representatives (Versicherungsvermittler:innen, -vertreter:innen)
Außenbeamt(er)in, Bezirksvertreter:in, Versicherungsaußenbeamt(er)in, Versicherungsvertreter:in, Versicherungsberater:in im Außendienst

Shortage occupations
in other regions

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